Try not to laugh too hard.
1. Say "No" to drugs
Incorrectly punctuated:
Just say "No" to drugs from the D.A.R.E. police officers.
Whoops, lets not turn the officers into drug dealers.
Just say "No" to drugs, from the D.A.R.E. police officers.
2.A comma could save a life
Incorrectly punctuated:
For all those who like to cook and eat my wife just made a blog with recipes.
Let's make sure no cannibals show up:
For all those who like to cook and eat, my wife just made a blog with recipes.
Incorrectly punctuated:
"I want to eat Mom!"
Or, for the good of the whole family:
"I want to eat, Mom!"
3. Declaration of love?
I'm sorry I still love you.
Or, is it...
I'm sorry. I still love you.
4. Emphatic Quotation Marks
5. Who needs who?
Woman without her man is nothing
Could be:
Woman: without her, man is nothing.
Woman, without her man, is nothing.
You decide.