Saturday, May 18, 2013

IN AN INSTANT - Beta Readers Are Awesome!

Over the past couple of months, I've had the fabulous opportunity to have the manuscript of my novel,  IN AN  INSTANT, beta read by a group of awesome readers. It has been an exhilarating and illuminating experience.

First off, here's a little about the book:
Draft cover just to have
something to look at
At twenty-one, being diagnosed with leukemia is the worst thing Liz can imagine—but also the catalyst for better things than she'd ever hoped for. The fight for her life soon becomes a powerful force that touches everyone she cares for most and transforms their lives in unimaginable ways.

This novel also tells a parallel story, in alternating chapters, of what would have happened if Liz never had cancer. Without cancer, Liz prepares to graduate, lands the perfect job, and gets to keep her life as she thinks it should be. But, it turns out that life as usual just isn’t enough for Liz or any of the people she loves. Through the contrasting storylines, the effects of what, on the surface, seem to be tragedy are shown for what they really are: opportunities and perspective.
So now, what are the results from my beta readers? I'm still waiting on some feedback from a few, but here are just some of the comments I've received so far:
 "I am literally freaking out right now. I just finished your book in tears! It was SO good! Wow! So so good!" ~Callie
"Such a fabulous story! Everything about it is just so electrifying, well-written, engaging. What other words can I use?! I loved all you similes and metaphors, etc." ~Nona

"Great job! I like that it was different in the sense that it had two realities...I look forward to seeing it published." ~Kellie

"That was one heck of a book. And I'll admit that I finished it much faster than I thought I would. It drew me in from the very beginning...The characters were very well developed. I liked that you were able to convey their distinct personalities so well." ~Shalla
" I LOVED IT! Couldn't wait to finish it while I was reading it. When I would have to walk away I would get mad. Great job!!!" ~Trish
"Your style is very clear, immersive with tiny but intimate details and everything feels very real and immediate." ~Jim
Along with wonderful praise, I've received lots of feedback to make this terrific book that I love so much even better. I'm working on edits that I know will make the book's message more clear and the characters more real and dynamic than they already were. Even minor comments or questions from my readers have proven to be so invaluable in helping me see my manuscript and story more clearly and through different perspectives. 

I want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of my beta readers. Any that are still reading and have yet to give feedback, it is still very welcome and will be useful and appreciated! I value all of your time as well as your opinions and I can't say thank you enough for your kind words as well as your criticisms. Honesty is what I hoped for and appreciate most of all!

 If you're interested in beta reading my next draft, please let me know! It'll be ready soon.


  1. Melanie, I am so glad you have this book to this stage in its development. Since I was the very first to read your young manuscript before you got it ready for this beta test, I am exited that you are getting feedback from others. I have loved this story since I read what you had written then and I am looking forward to reading it again after all the edits have been made and the book has been published. So proud of you and the wonderful work you do. I will definitely recommend this book to friends and clients because I think it is not just a good book for enjoyable reading, but has a healing message as well. Thanks for writing it.

    1. Thanks! This whole process is so exciting. I appreciate everyone who has read my book or taken any interest in my books and writing at all. I'll keep you posted as this project progresses. You've been so encouraging to me with this book in particular, and I appreciate that.


Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to share your thoughts. I read and appreciate every comment.